Love Your Neighbours
To give is better than to receive.
Together with the launch of our very first product, the tikar last September, that very same day we also launched something very close to heart, an initiative called “Neighbours”.
Why Neighbours? The word 'neighbour' which can be defined as someone who lives very close to you or fellow man resonates deeply with our desire to give back to society, something which has on my heart for a long long time. I knew very clearly if I ever had the privilege of starting my own business, this would be something I wanted to do from the get go.
With the waterproof and easy clean features of our tikar, as well as it being non-toxic, soft and squishy and shock absorbent, we believe that our tikar will be a great addition to any space especially for those caring for children who need a safe space to explore and play.
So, if you know of anyone or any organisation, hospital, centre or school that could really use a good play mat but with limited resources in getting one, do NOMINATE these NEIGHBOURS by dropping us an email at and we will try reaching out to see if we can help.

untuk jiranku
an initiative to help underserved communities in Sabah who are affected by COVID-19
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